Assalamualaikum my Sweet Dear Readers :)

How are you today? I hope that you are in your blast ;)

I am sorry for taking a long time to post new entry.  I have been searching for new ideas on how to post and promote my products to make it as established as it name. i will try my best to greet you with good customer service! <3

So for now. i am indeed pleasure to post you about Mineral Coffee. Have you ever heard about what is? Is it as same as Tongkat Ali? Nescafe? or might be Kopi Jantan? Ohhhh wait! No No No ~

So let me provide you with a good brief explanation. 

-----------------------------------Bahasa Melayu-------------------------------------
Aroma istimewa Kopi Mineral Hai-O berasal daripada bijian kopi Robusta dan garam buluh 
 organik semula jadi dari Korea. Ia bukan sahaja mempunyai aroma yang mengharumkan, 
 malahan merupakan sumber bagi magnesium. Magnesium membantu menggalakkan penyerapan 
 dan pengekalan kalsium. 

Kopi Mineral Hai-O tidak ditambahkan gula, tidak mengandungi kolesterol dan bahan pengawet. 
 Cara pembungkusannya yang kecil dan mudah dibawa membolehkan anda menikmati keenakannya pada bila-bila masa. Jadikan Kopi Mineral Hai-O sebagai pilihan anda untuk memulakan aktiviti harian.

Kebaikan Kopi Mineral Hai-O:
-Membekalkan bahan mineral untuk kesihatan badan
-Menghilangkan keletihan minda dan badan
-Melegakan tekanan
-Menikmati kehidupan

Keistimewaan garam buluh:
-Terdiri daripada 100% bahan semula jadi, iaitu garam laut, buluh, tanah liat dan dihasilkan
melalui cara pemprosesan yang khas.
 -Kaya dengan bahan mineral dan elemen mikro seperti kalsium, magnesium, kalium dan sebagainya.
 -Bersifat alkali dan membantu menyeimbangkan pH badan, mengekalkan keseimbangan nutrien 
 badan dan menggalakkan metabolisme badan.

The special aroma of Hai-O Mineral Coffee derive from the combination of Robusta coffee powder and natural Korea organic bamboo salt. Besides its exuberant aroma, it is also a source of 
magnesium. Magnesium helps to promote calcium absorption and retention.

Hai-O Mineral Coffee contains no added sugar, free from cholesterol and preservatives. 
Its easy sachet design provides convenience and instant preparation for your enjoyment anytime. 
To kick off your day by getting the pleasure from Hai-O Mineral Coffee.

The benefits of Hai-O Mineral Coffee:
-Provides beneficial minerals for healthy body
-Revitalizes tired minds and body
-Relieves tension
-Life enjoyment

The unique bamboo salt:
-Comprises of 100% natural materials, i. e. sea salt, bamboo, yellow ocher and it is make 
 through a unique manufacturing process.
 -Rich in various kind of mineral and micro elements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and etc.
 -An alkaline salt which helps to balance the pH value in our body, maintain nutrient balance of the body and promote metabolism.

I have provide you with a Dwi Bahasa explanation about the Mineral Coffee so that it may ease your reading. 

Now I would like to share some testimonial of the customer who have taken the Mineral Coffee as part of their life.

A customer once said that when drinking the Mineral Coffee, it may makes you on a good Diet service because it is said that when you are taking your Mineral Coffee as your breakfast, you may not have to worry if you are not taking your breakfast early because once you have drink it, it will serve your stomach in a good place! its refreshing and yet is glut!

Soooo what are you waiting for? Come and Grab the chance now! Come and purchased it here. i will serve you the best as i could. 

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Instagram : aida_nasuha96


Assalamualaikum. Good night. Adios 

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